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Reply to "History of rice cultivation - Sorry D2, you were dead wrong."

Drugb posted:
D2 posted:
Drugb posted:

They Indos gave the english some of the roughest fights ever. The Blacks in comparison were not even worth their while to occupy their lands as there was nothing to plunder other than slaves.  In fact you will recall that the great Mahatma was singlehandedly responsible for the fall of the british empire and forced it to give independence to its colonies. 

The sad thing is you do not read. Africa was not explored farther up from the coast by whites for centuries because the rivers are fast flowing and drop to the sea rapidly making travel inland seasonal and very hard. Most whites did not know what was inland until late in the 19th century. This was a development trap.

Slaves were brought to the cost by non white traders.  White folks hardly went inland or cared to go.

The decline of the British empire was not as simplistic as Gandhi did it. You are truly living in your own reality.

Nonsense, the British saw little profit in Africa other than its slave labor. Africa was so backwards compared to the rest of the world that the continent with the exception of he north had very little to exploit. For you to belittle the accomplishments of the Gandhi is wicked and downright low.

If you do not read and are given to useless pontification I cannot help. I give you the reason why the British saw little profit in Africa hence it remained largely unknown to them for a long time. It was highly inaccessible from the coast with ships and demanded long trek with pack animals .  Obviously is bound bountiful since they fought tooth and nail to keep it their share of it. Gandhi is irrelevant to the discussion since he is an artifact of the 20th century and long after slavery was gone.
