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Reply to "History of rice cultivation - Sorry D2, you were dead wrong."

Drugb posted:

Bannas, them slaves were mostly docile and 100's of yall were controlled by 1 white  overseer with  a whip. The 1 and 2 that behave bad were castrated as lesson to the others. I suggest you watch roots and learn how Kunta Kinte chose amputation to castration just so he could carry on the bloodline.  Others were not so fortunate to be given that choice. 

The ignorance of this black skin Dalit progeny of teefmen. For over 200 years the white man beat alyuh rass wid de whip and rule alyuh in India. Over 35 million Indians died and by the time the white man left in 1947 India was a shit nation, reduced to rubble after being a once great civilization. Talk about "docile".

I take no joy in saying this nor mean no disrespect to Indians. I mention it only to educate yuh dumb Dalit ass. Yuh live in a glass house fool! 

Your obsession with black man private parts, slavery, rape and castration is noted. The slave masters were likewise obsessed with it, insomuch that unable to service their wives, they allowed slaves to do it for them. Might this be the reason for your frustration and frequent trips to Newark?
