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Reply to "Hon Sam Hinds....Pension."

Originally Posted by KishanB:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by KishanB:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by ksazma:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:


Yep. Seems to be a pretty good reason to me.


On a somewhat serious note, Jagdeo is already tiefin as much as he can since everyone from Ramotar on down obeys him without question. The only thing he truly misses that one can only get with office is the formal state protocol given as courtesy to Heads of Government and Heads of State when out of Guyana by other countries. Third world tin pot dictators love that shyte man. Nothing feeds the third world ego than being given the same honors as the President of the United States and being his titular equal.

My guess is that jagdeo would prefer to move on the QT. There must be a lot of prosecutors wanting to speak to him.


I don't know this for a fact but I'm willing to bet the farm that Jagdeo travels with a diplomatic passport everywhere he goes. Practically every twerp in the PPP above Regional Councillor probably has a diplomatic passport even though they shouldn't be entitled to one.

Why you all waste so much time on these things.  Shaitaan you are an idle big man.


What pray tell is the idleness of this subject?


Or is it that I actually have substantive things to add to a discussion beyond silly meme attempts and AFC propaganda best suited to the canecutters on the estates?

What policy have you added to the debate but just pulling down a good man.  Sam deserves ever single cent he get.  He was a LOYAL soldier.




I addressed a factual and legal question posed by Chief. I answered him to the best of my ability. The best of my ability goes beyond pictures of Kwame McCoy et al and references to buggery all the goddamn time.


You don't like it, then fuh caff pal.


And FYI, the state of the law in Guyana is such that a man who serves a single day as President is entitled to the full pension and facilities available. Is that not important? Did you know that? Because I didn't until I actually read the relevant acts when Chief posed the question.
