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Reply to "Housing meets all targets in 2011"

Originally posted by Ramakant_p:
When Indo_guyanese realize that the PPP has done a great job and that the APNU and the AFC are out to destroy them, they will return to the Fold of the PPP. Moses already ha regrests.

Sase, TK and GR have realized it but are too ashamed to admot that they have wronged indo_guyanese.. We want back out country.

We have developed the lands and gave them to the people. The burnham Government had taken away what Indo_guyanese had worked for and gave them to his people. We would not allow this to happen again. I am a big believer in Inclusiveness and that is why the PPP has given parliamentary seats to 49% of their MPs. The PPP has employed 70% blacks in the work force. The previous Burnham Government had only 5% indo_guyanese working for him.

The PPP had rebuild the country in the Education sector and Health care services. We have invested wisely in people. Every year thousands of students graduated from UG and technical Institutes in GT, new Amsterdam, Port Maurant and LINDEN. They have rebuilt schools, roads and Governmnet Buildings all over the country.

This is a new beginning for evry guyanese..

You out like south, 70% aint nutin bai. Coolies owe much much more. Yu nah read datt indenturship contract?