seignet posted:.To be specific, the Luckhoos wanted to bring in more indentures into the colony. I do not believe it was their intentions to marginalized the Amerindians, the Negroes or the Coloreds..
The rationale for bringing in more indentures wasn't a function of BG having a labor shortage. With ample supplies of Indian indentures, and blacks from Guyana and Barbados, clearly the motivation was to ensure that the Indian population was the majority. It wasn't that additional labor was needed. This wasn't 1848 when one could have argued that labor was in short supply.
Even in 2017 many legitimately wonder what % of Indo Guyanese have an identity that embraces a notion of a multi cultural Guyana, where they have strong bonds with other groups, and where being "Guyanese" should dominate over one's ethnic identity. Whether they have a mindset that embraces inclusiveness and empathy for Guyanese without regard to race.
I can well imagine in 1915, when most of the Indians were born in India and had scant interest or ability to interact with others, there would have been widespread panic among both the colored and the blacks that they risked replacing a white massa for an Indian one. This if Indians outnumbered and politically dominated Guyana. And in fact we did see this under PPP rule.