GTAngler posted:.When I come at you in response, must cry like a little girl again that I made personal attacks. Show me where I said the PPP were angels. I also specifically said Jagan meaning Cheddi. We had a short lived respite from your idiocy but I can see you're back. As usual you just read what you wanted. This was a story passed on to me by a now deceased old man.
I really didn't care that you called me a pig and a dog, as that reflected more on you. AT what point have I ever used that language to describe you?
You referred to the PPP as angels right above by implying that orders for violence didn't come straight from Cheddi's mouth, or that if he didn't order it he certainly didn't stop it.
Please don't tell me that you really think that Cheddi didn't know that some PYO were sent to Cuba for training in terrorism.
I note that I am an idiot, in your mind because you object to me educating you on the fact that the PPP and Cheddi were no more angelic during the 60s than was Burnham, Hammie Green or Peter D'Aguiar. Rice shipments went to Cuba and returned with guns. FACT. They ALL had blood on their ends and it takes a special kind of idiot to claim otherwise.
Now some dead black man might have told me that Burnham loved PPP Indians. Does this mean that I will believe him? The fact that some dead relative of yours told you blatantly lies suggest that if you believed what they said without further investigation then indeed you are an idiot.