caribny posted:ba$eman posted:.The private sector must hire all races just like we expect the Afro dominated GPF/GDF to serve and protect all races. I like what my relatives are doing there. Walk into their businesses, all races working reflecting the make-up of Guyana. In fact, one of my relatives indicated that Blacks are loyal, much more than Indians!
Blacks were crowded at the bottom level during the PPP era. No doubt that might have changed as private companies no longer feel that they will be protected in their racism by the PPP.
The fact that the GDF/GPF remains majority black is a question that you ought to address to the PPP. Cheddi tried to get them to join. Was very upset when every now class of recruits had MORE Amerindians than East Indians. You cannot take a horse and force him to drink. Most blacks don't want to plant rice and most Indians don't want to join the disciplined forces.
On the other hand most Guyanese do want office jobs and the opportunity to be promoted into management slots if they merit this.
As expected, not you have the "coolie" boogie man to point your little dirty fingers to regarding the Afro plight. You also blamed Burnham for not "teaching" Blacks to compete with Indians. You are a sorrowful excuse and even your own Afros would be ashamed at your concoctions. Shameless man!!