caribny posted:VVP posted:Nobody should/could insist on who the private sector should hire, unless as D2 said, it's for a government contract.
So we need to stop talking about improving race relations in Guyana. Indians will hire Indians except for the low level jobs, and will promote Indians over blacks, based not on merit, but on ethnic affilations. Blacks will then continue to distrust Indians thinking that;
1. the goal of Indians is to throw them on the bread line AND
2. Indians are clannish and racialist.
If you think that your average Guyanese cares for more than what goes into their own pockets you are mistaken. Guyanese are like every one else. What interests them is what benefits them and if it doesn't benefit them they don't care.
So if one side thinks that the other side wants to starve them then none of the political posturing will matter. It is clear that the public sector cannot cater to the employment needs of the entire population, nor should it.
You with your racist shit again. Banna, you are hopeless, only biology can cure your mental shit disease!