Prashad posted:.This type of bull sh-t thinking is at the foundation of racist hate against koolie by some. But I would not the carib with the bunch.
This is interesting. A bunch of immigrants enter a society. They want to encourage other immigrants in so that they can out number the local population, in order to COMPLETELY DOMINATE.
According to you any one objecting to this is "anti koolie".
Now a reasonable person would have suggested that this immigrant community, once it had decided to remain in Guyana, would instead focus on cooperating with the majority of the local population who also faced oppression by a colonial minority. That way BOTH groups would benefit.
But instead you advocate support for this immigrant group sweeping aside the local group and attempting to seize power for itself. You see this is why people don't trust Indians. This mentality is quite pervasive and Indians refuse to debate as to why others have the opinions of them that they do.