VVP posted:Caribny,
Answer these questions:
How many people are employed by:
1) Public sector/government?
2) Private sector?
3) Indian owned businesses?
For each give a breakdown of % by race.
If you cannot get official numbers what would be your guess?
Public sector employment, including the army is not even 20k people. Clearly even if it was 100% black it isn't enough to hire every black person. And clearly it isn't only blacks who work there.
So clearly the majority will need to find work within the private sector, which you know is disproportionately Indian owned. That isn't the issue. It is clear why its disproportionately Indian owned as a cursory examination of Guyanese history will indicate why. Its the same reason why most public servants have been black since 1880.
The concern arises when an Indian owner or an Indian HR person hires on the basis of race. Its the perception of most blacks that the answer is that they do, especially for more desirable jobs.
I already wrote of an Indian HR man in a Trinidadian owned company hiring 30 people, only 5 being black. In G/T I will find it hard to believe that such a low % of blacks makes sense and clearly some bias is there. New Building Society some time ago not one black was in a management slot. And others can find other examples. I have heard complaints even about DDL where they claim that Indians get clear preference for promotions.
You want to know what solves the racial problem. Well if blacks feel that Indians discriminate against them and engage in clannish behavior then they may well behave in manners that Indians consider to be hostile.
Now if you don't want to deal with this perception then don't bother to query about how we can deal with our race situation.
If you think that Keith Smith or Jennifer Williams cares about the constitution you are crazy. What they care about is whether they will be treated fairly by the public AND private sectors in terms of jobs or supply contracts. If they think that Indians are favoring other Indians then they will resent Indians.
Indian business derive profits from operating within multi ethnic Guyana. It isn't just Indians who generate money for these business owners. So they cannot then feel that they can only hire Indians for the better jobs, or only source contracts with other Indians.
Guyana is a multi ethnic nation so there is no room for little tribal fiefdoms!