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Reply to "How Guyana can end it's racial Problem in 2020 and beyond."

skeldon_man posted:

Indians are clannish because they don't trust blacks the same way blacks don't trust Indians.

If you think that Burnham gave his base every opportunity to then you consider Burnham a great man.  I am at a loss to understand how promoting incompetent soup lickers instead of rewarding enterprise can be seen as helping his base.  Colonial actions which destroyed black enterprise and reduced them to being dependent on others for work aren't rectified by making them even MORE dependent on the state, which Burnham did, when he promoted socialism instead of black capitalism.

Burnham was no more interested in a class of independent blacks emerging than were the white colonialists and planters. Like them he wanted blacks to remain dependent.

Any way it appears as if those who pretend that they wish the racial problem to end merely pretend.  Just understand that the Indian population is dwindling and that the vast majority of mixed people do NOT vote PPP. In fact its this mixed vote that delivered APNU/AFC 2 years ago. 

And don't squeal about douglas. In Trinidad where Afro vs. Indo hostilities are less and more douglas exist 2/3 of the mixed identified aren't dougla. When I see that most of the most people in Guyana are in Region 4 or in the interior I come to the conclusion that douglas will account for even a smaller % of the population in Guyana.

So continue to think that Indians can benefit within a racially divided nation.

Feel free to continue your "black man lazy" screams as well.

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