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Reply to "How Guyana can end it's racial Problem in 2020 and beyond."

caribny posted:
Django posted:
yuji22 posted:

The rush to close down sugar estates to destroy Indos economically is a classic example of PNC racism.

That depends on what kind of magnifying glasses are used.

There were the boasts that Indians are so "hard working" that they don't need sugar and will find something to do.  This when the PPP was in power and the possibility of a collapse of Guysuco was quite likely.

I see a different song is now being sung.

Indians will survive and thrive, you can rest assure.  That does not mean they roll over and let it be.  Your fat boy and the PNC club tried his utmost to starve out and beat Indians into submission...and he lost.  He lost despite a weak PPP leader, the economic power of the Nationalized industries and the CIA.

Today you have Bharat "Jackal" Jagdeo leading the PPP, no independent economic power and a US which will be more hands-off even with oil.
