Shaitaan....Balwant Claim he got Copies of the records to prove everything.
Why GINA, NCN, Chronicle & Guyana Times do not believe his story?
I don't claim to know anything about what Balwant, Yusuf, or Sextus has to say. Therefore, I am unable to comment and do not wish to.
However, I will comment based on my intimate knowledge of Cathy Hughes' financial misbehavior using the AFC as her personal piggybank. It may not be technically illegal to get paid huge sums by your own party's campaign but it betrays no ethics whatsoever as most of those monies are raised from well intentioned middle class businessmen (not the super rich) and ordinary working and middle class individuals.
One of the reasons cited by many "foreign" places for not helping the AFC is their desire to not make hefty donations to Cathy Hughes' bank account.