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Reply to "How Many Hundreds of Thousands of USD Has Cathy Hughes Been Paid for Her "Public Relations" Services from AFC Accounts?"

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Cobra:

Our president is around children all the time, not just around election time. Uncle Donald is like a loving granddad. kutchie-kutchie

You miss the point.  The notion is Granger in close quarters with an Indian female and child and no bands of irate Indian men threatening to chop him up.


The PNC is proving to be less of the bogey man than the PPP will want to believe. 

Will he get Indian votes?  No! 

Will every Indian react to him in fear as they decide which party they will support? NO!


The AFC will need to prove itself, and stop being insulted when people tell them that this is what they must do, and if they do so, the PPP is OVER!

Aya ignore CaribJ he is a

Black Racist talking Nuff $kunt.


Let us Examine the $kunt carefully......

CaribJ .....

AFC + APNU entered into an Alliance...

 Da penetrate yuh thick Skull yet


The Presidential Candidate...

is Granger

The Prime Ministerial Candidate ...

is Nagamootoo

Da penetrate yuh thick Skull yet


Everyone Voting for the

AFC/APNU Alliance...


Will be Voting for Both

 Granger and Nagamootoo


Da penetrate yuh thick Skull yet




Everyone Voting for the

AFC/APNU Alliance...


Will be Voting for Both

 A Blackman & A Coolieman


Da penetrate yuh thick Skull yet




CaribJ...Why is that Hard

for A Racist to Understant.


How you think

Or maybe he's saying,

Any lil child can tell you

Both Indians & Blacks

 will vote for Both Granger & Moses



