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Reply to "How To Analyze David Granger's Rule Over Guyana. He Is Combination Julius Caesar & Lucius Cincinnatus"

Originally Posted by Shaitaan:

My Dear Friends, Self-Appointed Enemies, and PPP Mudheads et al,


I have waited a little while to pen this. My only hesitation is that I'm going to write this and only two posters (Caribj and Baseman) may understand the essence of what I'm writing.


As Granger is a keen student of history, especially the "classics" (as in classical Greece and Republican Rome), I suspect he takes his cues from Julius Caesar and Lucius Cincinnatus. One part is Caesar's populism and concern for the Roman underclass plebians even though he was born a patrician. Though not Caesar's insatiable appetite for personal glory and personal power for it's own sake. Married to this is the conduct of the great Roman general and statesman Lucius Cincinnatus who appeared at the hour when the situation was grave and the very continued existence of the Roman State was in doubt who was granted supreme executive power as "dictator" to re-organize the State, defeat the military and political threats to Rome, and then resign his office and return to the status of private gentleman farmer.


David Granger appears to be such a unique man and statesman. Which is why I have a deep natural respect for the man. To understand his actions of the past week and I suspect the next 5 or 10 years, one must successfully discern his state of mind and his philosophy of government and power. He appears to have a Republican Roman philosophy of Government. He is not wholly a democrat nor wholly an authoritarian. One cannot put him into a neat box as we did Cheddi and Burnham. Thank God. The only box one may approximately fit him into is that of Roman Republican patrician Consul.


David Granger the President can be described as an enlightened despot on a mission to remake/restore Guyana. David Granger understands power. How to get it, how to wield it, and how to hold it. The state of Guyana 2015 is a mess. Every sector is plagued by corruption and incompetence. Cometh the hour, cometh the man! The hour was right for an enlightened despot and he has made his appearance.


These are my predictions:


1. He will continue to consolidate power for a while in the Presidency.

2. He will wield power to "refashion" Guyanese society and polity into a civilized state where there is a place for everyone and everyone is in their place. None of his actions will be for his personal benefit. They will all be for Guyana.

3. He's an old man. He wants a legacy to tower that of his predecessors for generations to come.

4. He will most likely handpick his successor to continue his "mission" to "refashion" Guyana.

5. Guyana's headlines for the next five years will be boring and novel at the same time. Boring in that he will be running a competent non-corrupt Government. Novel in that he will be running a competent non-corrupt Government.


David Granger is the nominal 8th President of Guyana but in fact he sees himself as Guyana's first president picking up from where Sir David Rose left off on May 26, 1966. Notice the optics of his Inauguration. He understands symbols and their power in politics.


A man likes this needs a free hand to accomplish his mission....for a while.


His challenges (which I'm sure he's aware of):


1. He can never allow any of his successors to wield this kind of despotic power easily abused by cretins as he will almost certainly be succeeded by cretins in the future. He will have to build the Rule of Law and humble the powerful before it. I suspect Magistrate Artiga at Whim got the go ahead from the Presidency to humble Jagdeo publicly a little. I also suspect that we're going to get a new Constitution suited to our peculiar circumstances.


2. He has to build a system that can withstand the viscissitudes of party politics in Guyana which is racial in nature making it extra nasty.


3. He has to "civilize" the PNC and the PPP. His greatest challenges will come from the mad people in his party joined by the perennially myopic.


4. He has to devise a system where the PNC can win elections freely and fairly but never be given a completely free hand to run amok and destroy the country. Same for the PPP.


This list and post is by no means exhaustive but I just wanted to give you all a perspective of the David Granger I suspect we now find as Guyana's sovereign. A complex man who we should give the benefit of the doubt to for a while with criticism only reserved for when his plan's can be improved by our criticisms.


Let the man accomplish his mission. Help him improve his plans where necessary. There aren't many David Grangers left in Guyana. Frankly, I think he's the only one. If he does his job right and accomplishes his mission, we may never need another David Granger to come to our rescue again. He will rule so that his successors can govern.

Already you casting judgement.  What happen to the courtesy of the 100 days?
