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Ray posted:

WHy do you call them hungry belly?

I withheld my comments on KP's original thread title - Hungry Belly picketing followed by a picture of Afro Guyanese. We know the implication, we've heard it from time immemorial about "dem hungry belly black man" from the racist Indians.

Then along comes yuh big mouth koker door friend Nehru, piling on about black man and slaves.

You should have left the thread title alone instead of changing it and covering up for these psycho Indian racists.

Alyuh is a nasty stain and disgrace pon Guyanese people. Iz one ting dis GNI good fuh - is to show black people in Guyana, and moreso in America where alyuh seeking office, your true intentions! Yes, black Americans need to know about alyuh hatred fuh black man and fast!
