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Reply to "I have to admit..........."

yuji22 posted:
skeldon_man posted:

I think the damage has been done already. It would be difficult for The Donald to rehabilitate his image. First impression is everything. THE DONALD has his followers who, regardless of what he says, will stay with his message. I doubt he will change any mind by trying to be more civil. He will win the redneck states like WV where everyone is related to each other.

Skelly, this election is not over yet. The campaign and then the debates will put an end to all doubts.

I agree that Trump messed up right after the RNC convention with picking the wrong fights.

But Hillary is not the cleanest politician in the planet and most Americans view her with suspicion. 

Let us wait and see until the debates are over.

Right now the Trumpster is scrambling to straighten the ship. The damage has been done. He might sway a few minds. However, this would not put a dent in to his deficit. Too many people within his own party are ditching him and joining the Democrats. Meg Whitman, a longtime republican has been campaigning and fund raising for Hillary. Lots of top republicans have already jumped ship. 
