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Reply to "I have to admit..........."

ba$eman posted:
Stormborn posted:
ba$eman posted:

The new Trump's posture and speeches and new approach in widening his appeal is once again making him an interesting alternative to [crooked] Hillary.  This is what I wanted to see after the conventions.  I am reserving judgement to see if this pivot is sustained.  Baseman still believes that Trump has the superior message and aspirations but his messaging was off.

Let me see...hiring a right wing bigot and conspirator theorist of the highest order is so morons! What judgement? If he pivot to much he might be speaking to you like Linda Blair in that famous jumbie movie!

Let's see.  With all my disappointment after the convention, I still believe he has the better approach and vision for this nation.

Trump? Vision? How the heck does a guy who doesn't (probably cannot) read, makes up his own stories, knows all (in his mind) and yet knows absolutely nothing, what kind of vision can someone like this have for a country? Banna, you might have faith in someone like that but most of the US doesn't and it will soon show.

Promise you won't run and hide after his loss. ( you're gonna be 2-0 ) ketch ma drift?

Last edited by cain