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Reply to "I have to admit..........."

kp posted:
Gilbakka posted:

Cheddi Jagan used to say that the Republican and Democratic parties in the US were Tweedle-dee and Tweedle-Dum. They still are. Both parties represent big business, corporate interests, and the military-industrial complex. They do not care about the working poor, the environment, and basic social issues. It is regrettable that millions of Americans make voting decisions on the basis of personalities rather than sound reasoning. And while the mainstream news media are focused on the Democrats and Republicans, those are not the only parties contesting the November presidential elections. The Green Party is also contesting with Dr Jill Stein as presidential candidate. This party does not represent big business and the military-industrial complex.

Bernie Saunders should have run as  Independent , with his followers and the outcast from Trump and Hillary he could have been in the lead, he is clean and for the working class. Just over two months before election and still no definite leader. Hillary will get worst ,while Trump can only get better if he stick to the new play book.

That is exactly what would have happened.  I didn't like Bernie at first, but now that the electorate is so divided he would have collected all the spoilt Trump and Hillary votes and taught them a lesson.  Once he gained that momentum with the election less than three months away it would have been game over for both Trump and Hillary.   Ross Perot would have done that.

Bibi Haniffa