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Reply to "I hope all the AFC indos note the treatment of Gaumattie"

Originally posted by The Judge:
I hope all the AFC indos note the treatment being meted out to Gaumattie Singh by the AFC folks here and elsewhere. And this is despite the statement of regret issued by that party.

Now all of a sudden the AFC people on GNI are calling Gaumattie ugly etc and Tarron Khemraj suggested that she was paid by the PPP.
This is how you will be treated when you finally see the light.

We could expect this sort of behaviour from the PPP and PNC but wasn't the AFC supposed to be about CHANGE?

Judge, why dont you go change your diaper and graduate from nursery school, then come back to address this point.
Ask Jagdeo and Ramotar if Indo is the only race in Guyana.
The PPP need to be 'brain washed' and call people 'Citizens/People of Guyana'.
It is people like you, who put the PPP is in such a sh!t hole with the other races.