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Reply to "I only took off for a day and the PPP necromancers are hard at work."


Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:

I only took off for a day ...

... from the only job on GNI. old sleazy one foot in the grave punk. I made a quarter of a million sitting at my  job last year. What did you do except breathe on your oxygen tank and using this site and the accolades it brings you form that corrupt PPP to keep your sorry ass interested in life and living.


You miserable has beens would let this wicked government rape us blind, defuse the discourse on their corruption by your inane non informational bullshit and yet have the bloody nerve to have airs. Look old man, you may have been a wonderful engineer, had great contribution to your society but what in the ****ing world makes you take airs with me? I have been a success at everything I did from primary school to university to life. Even the ugly corrupt PPP give me a prize once for writing in their paper once when I was a kid.


Now Go **** your self and now yell at Amral .

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