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Reply to "IMF Report on Guyana April 2016"

When you people speak of Hoyte and economic reforms you are making it sound like he was the one who invented the free enterprise system.  Contrary to what many you hold as gospel of the PNC leader the nation socialist transformation in the seventies was planned and orchestrated by Desmond Hoyte.  He was a passionate socialist like Burnham. No wonder Burnham left him in charge of the nation to carry on his cooperative socialist program.  When Hoyte was sworn in as president the same evening he immediately pledged to continue the socialist policies of the comrade leader.  

However, the pain and suffering on the people was so intense in addition to a completely broken economy the gov't went on begging spree and was forced to seek advice from outsiders.  The Canadians and the Americans pressured the Hoyte gov't. to make economic reforms and later electoral reforms, both of which would helped Guyana move on to path of democracy and prosperity. Thanks to international pressure on the Hoyte regime. He rigged one election but was not lucky to rig a second. This angered him so bad that it aggravated his health and triggered and early heart attack.

Guyanese have been overly informed about the leftist direction of the PPP, but little have been said publicly about PNC's leftist direction which  brought disaster to the nation.  Indians have said enough of the PPP and its controversial ideology. It's about time Africans, like Carib, come out and speak about the rascality of the PNC and its crazy play with socialism. Let's hear it!!! 

Billy Ram Balgobin
Last edited by Billy Ram Balgobin