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“Immersion (Piss Christ)" on show in NY.


On Thursday night, William Donohue, the president of the Catholic League, held a news conference outside an art gallery in Midtown Manhattan to denounce one of the works of art on display there: a 1987 photograph of a crucifix immersed in a jar of urine. But, when Mr. Donohue tried to enter the exhibition, the gallery would not allow him in, he said in a blog post on Friday.


“No one else was barred from entering the gallery,” he wrote. “Just me.”

The amber-hued photograph, “Immersion (Piss Christ),” has inflamed passions since the New York artist Andres Serrano first displayed it in 1989. Last year, four Christian protesters attacked the photograph with a hammer when it was on display in Avignon, France. It was also vandalized in 1997 while on display in Victoria, Australia.

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