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Reply to "Inauguration Address of H.E. Dr. Irfan Ali"

My brothers and sisters, we stand at the beginning of a road that could lead us all to a bright and prosperous future - a future that could take us to the famed ‘El Dorado’, that eluded past generations.

I assure you that we can take that road and march up it bravely, confident that we can find not only harmony as one people, but also prosperity as one nation. Our destiny can be a great country in which all who reside within it have the opportunity to achieve and the means to succeed.

I pledge to you today, as your President, to work in your interest – all of you – without fear or favour, with great affection and no discrimination. This is our land – our collective homeland – that we all love and for which we want only the best.

I offer you my hand to grasp yours.

Let us join as one people, one nation, in the single purpose to build our beloved country for the good of all.

Thank you. God bless you and God bless our dear land of Guyana.
