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Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by Freaky:
wuts dis horsesh!t "gone fuh channa"? Is duh some kineea biharish term?


I never understood that one either chap. I'm from de Corentyne and no coolie I know ever says that.


Then again I was from decent Corentyne stock.


We didn't even eat much "channa" in Guyana. I do not recall a single serving of channa at abbe house in 8 years.


Any channa we ate was given to us in some re-used rum bottle. And channa eating was discouraged by abbe Black dentist 


Bhai, Come to Caribbean Cabana leh meh teach you Guyanese.


I believe he aunty of mine that owns Caribbean Cabana is from Ghargetung chap

Oh Rass suh we gun get a big discount.  Dem gat Boys there who like Hamma other men, if so Freaky gun be happy to go.


Bai, me and me aunty is cool an all but I man never ever tek discount from anyone. Especially family.


The only "freeness" I ever got was when Angie out of the goodness of her heart gave some free fry rice and fry chicken to the AFC and gave Cabana to the AFC to hold meetings. The wan low class coolie like Mel Carpen show up and eat he belly full and behave baad.


Caribbean Cabana to my knowledge was the AFC's NYC headquarters for years, unbeknownst to me, until they met me and asked about discounts.

HAHAHA  A nice place for a good lunch or dinner.  You can always tell them Gooseman from TV sent you and you will get 10% off.
