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Reply to "Indian PM Modi to visit in December"

Baseman posted:
Keffer posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Keffer posted:
skeldon_man posted:
caribny posted:
Baseman posted:
Leonora posted:

I like Modi and what he is doing for India. He was featured a few times in Time Magazine. 

And you bettah wach out, Trump like he and he likes Trump. 

Diss guh gi D_G moo shittin’s.  

The Muslims really like what Modi's fans are doing to them.  Yes killing them for eating beef.  Explain to me what Modi is doing to stop this.

Go to Saudi Arabia and try selling your black pudding and see what they do to you.

First, what has Saudi Arabia have to do with this discussion ? Second, you have evidently never been to Saudi Arabia so you should now be man enough to apologize to everyone in this forum and retract your uninformed statement because the straight answer to your question is a 'big fat nothing'. Thousands of people from numerous countries, the Indian sub-continent included, go to Saudi Arabia during the peak seasons to sell all sorts of merchandise; food items included ! Under Saudi law they are required to satisfy stringent health and food production requirements/standards before they can obtain required permits. It never ceases to amaze me that, despite their ignorance and bigotry, some people boldly post such lies/trash; in the hope that their rubbish and dishonesty will escape scrutiny !

It was not an insult to Islam or to Muslims. I was just making a point that in some Muslim countries pork is not allowed to be consumed. The same goes for beef in some parts of India.

Stop writing BS ! There is no statute that prohibits the consumption of beef in any part of India ! Do not take my word for it; call their embassy on this and then come back and call me a liar. Furthermore, by his long track record, Modi has time and again clearly demonstrated to Indians and to the world at large that he is nothing but a deeply bigoted hater of Muslims ! This despicable piece of excrement deliberately 1) delayed calling out Gujrat police and 2) requesting support from the central government when large numbers of Muslims were being wantonly and openly slaughtered in the infamous train incident in Gujrat a few years ago. By your assessment he was being very kind to them as they were being butchered, raped and killed; isn't that so ? Your attempt to present Modi as anything other than a hate-filled bigot cannot be treated as anything other than rubbish !     

Listen banna, don’t you refer to this great Hindu in those terms.  

And yes, there is no law against beef.  There are local practices and customs which are followed like law.  

And I suppose those customs and practices trump respect and tolerance of religion?
