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Reply to "Indian PM Modi to visit in December"

Iguana posted:
Keffer posted:

What great Hindu ? The Mahatma said 'satya aur ahimsa mere eshwar hain' ! Do the speech and action of Modi come anywhere close to that ? Your words make you a woeful discredit to your faith ! Let me spell it out for you once more, you oversized jackass ! Your comprehension and command of English are unquestionably severely limited and your bigotry, like that of of your idol Modi, is there for everyone to read and see; as plain as daylight ! Narinder Modi is nothing but a first-rate hater of Muslims and he has displayed his emotion and venom time and time again for all to see ! Have you ever been to India ? I am willing to bet your answer will be NO ! Because of my profession, I have been there multiple times and I have travelled all across the length and breadth of the country ! I can detect biased and uneducated armchair experts like you from miles away because of the tone and unsubstantiated shyte that you post. You began by writing rubbish about Saudi Arabia; a country that you have never set foot in and I called you out on that because you were clearly intent on posting something as negative as your undersized brain would allow you to for reason(s) you and I both know quite well ! Have you  ever been to India ? I am willing to bet your response will be 'No' ! I am willing to post copies of the pages of my passport to clearly display how many trips I have so far made to that country ! How sad it is that dunces like you come to sites such as this one to disseminate the hatred and filth that you apparently took pleasure accumulating from your childhood; instead of doing something positive to make the lives of others more meaningful ! I really hope that shitheads like you and your idol Modi will one day, before it is too late, understand that truth, integrity and decency have nothing whatsoever to do with one's ethnicity or one's religion !  


this is a Guyanese political forum. Hussle back to Morocco or whateva fanatic stronghold yuh emerge from and rant and rave deh.

Jackass, this discussion did not originate under my name; go back to lil abc and learn to read before posting your jaundiced views and worthless trash !
