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Reply to "Indian PM Modi to visit in December"

Gilbakka posted:
yuji22 posted:
Baseman posted:
Leonora posted:

I like Modi and what he is doing for India. He was featured a few times in Time Magazine. 

And you bettah wach out, Trump like he and he likes Trump. 

Diss guh gi D_G moo shittin’s.  

Modi is a right wing politician. Looks like the right is taking over the world while the left whines and complains all day long. 

Anyway. Congrats to the PNC for having another Indian leader visiting Guyana. The PNC also hosted Indira G. 

Granger can add another feather to his cap.

The PPP is asleep at the switch once again. 

Modi's trip to Guyana was planned since President Donald Ramotar visited India in January 2015. Read this:

If he had visited under the PPP, dem pan-Afro racists like Caribj and Ronan would be pounding dem chest with battle cries!
