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Reply to "Indian PM Modi to visit in December"

Prashad posted:

86 percent of Muslims voted for the creation of Pakistan. If you don't like living in Hindustan then move to Pakistan.  When in Rome do as the Romans do.  I cannot expect to eat pork in Pakistan, Arabia or in Israel.  Therefore don't expect to eat cow meat in Hindustan. You can easily substitute it for water buffalo meat which is healthier.  You just cannot have your cake and eat it too.  

What rubbish are you posting, Prash ?  'Doing as the Romans do' has never ever been enshrined in statute ! That is total BS; it is a recipe for anarchy, dictatorship & confusion; precisely what Narinder Modi is inclined towards ! By your reasoning, you are suggesting that it will be okay for one to use narcotics because others are indulging in illicit drugs ? Does that make sense to you ?

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