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Reply to "Indo-Racism is alive"

caribny posted:
Chief posted:


Do not let the action of a few Muslims confuse you about the teachings of The Holy Quran and our beloved Prophet Muhamad on whom be peace.



it really would be nice if you as a Muslim placed the blame of radical Islam where it belongs.  It is the hijacking of your religion by Saudi conservative extremists which have created the space for these violent fanatics to peddle their anger.  What did Christians in Sri Lanka or people in Indonesia do to deserve these attacks?  How are these attacks helping Muslims in Sri Lanka.

You blaming the white man for this is like Africans blaming whites for their civil wars and warlordism.

And it will be nice if Muslims lived by their Quran instead of boasting that Islam is the best religion on this planet. What sense is the book if many who claim to represent it behave in contradiction to it.  This is 2019, not 1492 so there is no longer any room for violent religious fanaticism.

I completely agree with you here and I base my position on the passage that says “.... and do not allow the hatred of others cause you to be unjust to them .....”. Granted it is easy for me to do so since I am not suffering like the folks Chief is talking about. I do know that the condition of the Palestinians was becoming more recognized and acknowledged by power movers in the West and it got greatly derailed after 9 11. So we can easily say that the Terrorists also greatly hurt Muslim causes.
