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kp posted:
Dave posted:
Gilbakka posted:
Dave posted:
Gilbakka posted:

INFO HUB is the coalition government's information/propaganda service operating from the Prime Minister's office. I have no problem with moderator Django relaying it here. The last PPP/C government had GINA that Conscience used to relay. I had no problem with that. After the PPP/C wins upcoming elections we  would be happy to resume GINA. 😃

Comrade Gilly was Conscience a Moderatar and was GINA used as a featured. 

I don't want to clutter Django's thread, comrade. But if you can find a bottle of old Russian Bear Demerara Rum I would be happy to give you my answer and pound Django name till de bottle empty. 😁

Well, if you can find a bottle of Russian Rum I will trade of a 12 year old El Dorado.I collect Rum. My father was the Chemist that made El Dorado Bonded Reserve, Which I have in my collection.

Does a George Gopie rings a bell. 
