Homophobic Misogynist frenzy.
An acceptable GNI feature....
I agree with freeze if the above is a response to what was being protested. Jalil is on his own since I took the time to caution him on his obsession with Kwame.I do not care Kwame is a gay but that he may be a pedophile. But that again is another story. Also, 99 percent of Guyanese have a problem with homosexuals. Edgehill is on record claiming it is an evil
The protest is against Mrs Manickchand waxing poetically about the PPP platform including a woman as if it represents the epitome of PPP concern for women. Well that is a lie. Under the PPP's watch we see the highest rate of murder of women via domestic violence, rapes and other heinous crimes against women with little response. This woman's office did not create one PSA on rapes gone epidemic etc. She did not comment once on the lack of rape kits in our police stations or the lack of a special crimes unit to address this problem.
Did we hear anything from her when the Amerindian woman was brutalized on video by our police. That police is still on the job! Did we hear from her with the promotion of the policemen that burned the genitals of the child who were promotedlast week? The head of the police said "life goes on"!
Who was it that denied we had a high rate of trafficking in sex workers especially Amerind girls? That bench warmer. Who was so incensed that she rattled of "let the white people take care of their own problems? That lazy sloppy woman. She even said the presidents lying to the nation for years that he had a wife and brutalization of said fake wife was a personal matter. Yet there she is celebrating the PPP and their nomination of a women VP with special emphasis ridiculing Granger as wishing he could!
You have the nerve to come here and tell us about misogyny! What happened to the Amerind kids who complained the were abused by China trading? They shuttled them away into the interior. No; this regime does not care about our women and children and so Farouk in disgust and lampooned her prating this morning she deserved it. She is a lazy, loudmouthed woman who takes more credit for her successes than her failures would allow.
The PPP failed our women and our children. Only last week we had the police trying to negotiate away the rape of a 14 year old by the son of a high official. They did not let a magistrate conclude her business with the VP son. He was convicted of brutalizing another. I wonder what the woman in PA is thinking when the Wife of Said VP used her diplomatic privileges to abscond with her son. Do you not think she need the feel and appreciate a connection to her child? Another mister's son, Benn, a serial brutalize of women is still to come to trial. He beat the hell out of his pregnant girlfriend and yet walk the streets. Do you know that is standard practice? Do you know that no rapist has been convicted in the past 3 years?
When you get off your ass and tell me that you are concerned about these people them come back here and explain from whence you leveraged the label Misogynist.