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Reply to "Irfaan’s qualification: What is moral judgement?"

Totaram posted:
ksazma posted:

The formula is simple. If the PPP wins, it is legitimate. If the Coalition wins, the PNC rigged the elections. We are already seeing some moves that suggest that the rigging has begun. We will know for sure in due course. Another thing we is know for sure is that if the PNC rigs and the Coalition 'wins', then Guyana will sink further into a despotic state.

Read what you wrote as it betrays a badly biased mindset:  if the PPP wins , it is legitimate.  If the Coalition wins: they rigged.  

I am basing my observation on historical data. It is none other than the PNC's fault that all general elections as well as the bogus 1978 Referendum conducted while they were the government were deemed rigged. The PPP can't boast of that stellar rigging record.
