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Reply to "Jagdeo criticises Chand over cooperation with gov’t -but says ‘no rift’ between party, GAWU."

Zed posted:

Is that all you have? Look, anything that the sugar workers got was because they struggled for it and earned it. There were many strikes when Jagdeo was president and this caused some friction between him and Jagdeo.

Jagdeo is partly to blame for the present situation in the sugar industry and what the workers presently face. He was president when the preferential tariff was reduced, he was president when Skeldon was built supposedly to solve the issue of cost of production, he was president when the European Union provided funds for three things - technological improvement to reduce the cost of production of sugar. funding for diversification from the traditional agricultural crops, and for dealing with the social effects that will result in changes in the sugar sector. Unless of course he was detached from what was happening around him in his key support base or thought that he can stop change from happening. There are others to be blamed. He shares part of the blame!

No bullyism and swearing on your part will surmount the logic of what I write!

I will like yuji and the other stooges to address these points.  Had the PPP won there would also have been estate closures as the PPP sunk almost US$800 million when one considers direct and indirect loans and subsidies.

Guyana CANNOT indefinitely sustain this, and the PPP would NOT have done so had the ethnic composition of the workforce been different.

I suggest that he accept the severance and the business classes that the current govt is providing because that was all that he did when 80% of the bauxite workers lost their jobs.
