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Reply to "Jagdeo in New York: His Venezuelan remark"

Originally Posted by Bibi Haniffa:

This is complete bullshit.  I was there and none of this was said or happened.  Freddie Kissoon should be ashamed of himself.  There were a group of people from Kaietuer News who showed up with questions written on pieces of paper.  Jagdeo allowed everyone of them to ask their questions and he answered appropriately in a civil and courteous manner.


Other than Dr. Rose there were other Afro-Guyanese there.  Everyone was treated in a civil manner.  Dr. Asquith Rose (??) - I never met the gentleman and did not know his name was given a chance with the microphone as he requested and immediately started accusing Jagdeo of being a racist among other things.


Freddie Kissoon - you have reached a new low.  When does rubbish like this become journalism?  The worse part is there are people out there who read this nonsense and believe it.  Shame on KN and Freddie Kissoon.

Gal, Kruger is nothing but a Book THIEF.  Nah Bada wid dat IDIOT!!!
