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Reply to "Jagdeo in New York: His Venezuelan remark"

Originally Posted by kp:

For all the anti PPP rant Freddie did before the election, he was hoping for a government job. But, the PNC put Freddie to the curb, he is a COOLIE in BLACKMAN clothing,he will continue to beg.


Freddie is not the one Begging

Moses & Granger fuh quit the Investigation.


Freddie is not the one being Questioned

about $100 Million Private/Secret Rice Loan.


Freddie is not the one worried about what

Roger Khan told the US in his plea deal.


Freddie Kissoon is not the one who made

secret deals Resulting in

Skeldon Factory costing over 5 Times the Original Price.


Govt Losing US$15 Million on "De FIP HIGHWAY"


Losing NIS & NBC money to Clico & Sanford.


Using Govt Money to Build the Berbice Bridge

and turn it over to his friends for

Investment that is less than 10% of the Total Cost.


