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Reply to "Jagdeo in New York: His Venezuelan remark"

Originally Posted by VishMahabir:
Originally Posted by Jalil:
Originally Posted by Bibi Haniffa:

Nehru- the event was taped.  I was sitting two feet away from the videographer.  I get the sense that the PPP team just dismiss Freddie Kissoon and his constant attacks.  But this guy is causing a lot of damage.  I would not have even seen this article if Mars did not post it here on GNI.


Yes it was Taped by Jagdeo People.

It will be Edited too.


An Independent person who was taping

was forced to Shut down his Camera

when Jagdeo noticed the Camera.


However, the part with Dr Rose asking Questions

was recorded on a Cell phone Camera...

so it will be interested to see what really happen....

and who is lieing.

So tell us knucklehead if you know so much...was Freddie accurate in his article???

No Freddie had some mistakes in his article....

Dr Rose was not the only Black person...

there were 5 Black people.....

10% of those present.


Jagdeo knew no one could not touch Dr Rose. 

So he did the right thing

and told the Jihaji to reverse.


Jagdeo ..... Personally reached out to Dr Rose later

 and asked Dr Rose to Join him

and meet some of the Richmond Hill Drunks

at the Cabana on Saturday....


Dr Rose did not accept the Invite...


Jagdeo also turned down

Dr Rose offer to visit Brooklyn....

saying his message is only for

the few remaining supporters in Queens...




"Gone are the Days....

when Jagdeo or the PPP can attract

1,000 People in Queens"  


In 1997 after the Elections

Janet Jagan won....

But PNC & "De Black House of Israel Thugs"

shut down Guyana and Burn & Loot Georgetown,

and refused to allow PPP to Govern.


With 2 Days Notice....A few Guyanese arranged

a Protest & March from Cheddi Jagan Square

around Richmond Hill that attracted 3,000 Supporters.


At the time PPP support group ACG

went public saying the Protest & March

is not authorized by Freedom House.


Raj Singh went on the Dan & Harry Radio Show

and WLIB telling the people to boycott

this Protest in Richmond Hill.


However Pandit Ramlall, Churchill,

Joe Kanhai, Kari and others

joined the Over 3,000 Guyanese

(some came from New Jersey, Brooklyn, Bronx, Schenectady, Even Washington DC)

 who Protested and sent

a loud and clear message to Hoyte to Back down.


The News Reached Back to Guyana

the NY Protest Rally was Shown on TV

Hoyte got the message and

 PNC Call-off their Street Demonstrations

and Rushed to the Bargain table.



Jagdeo know

50 people with 10% Blacks

plus Nehru, Bibi Haniffa, VishMahabir

Cannot Put Humpty


together.......... Again

Last edited by Former Member