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Reply to "Jagdeo invokes immunity during SOCU questioning-"Burnham 1980 Illegal Constitution" to the rescue."

Baseman posted:

Your header makes to sense!  Exactly what did Jagdo invoke?  However, I don’t know how relevant his position will be.  And a sitting head of state is different from other ministers anyway!

"Opposition Leader Bharrat Jagdeo yesterday declined to respond to questions from investigators concerning ‘Pradoville 2,’ invoking his presidential immunity from prosecution, although he has declared his readiness to defend himself in court if the Special Organised Crime Unit (SOCU) decides to charge him."

"Article 182(1) of the Constitution says, “subject to the provisions of Article 180 the holder of the office of President shall not be personally answerable to any court for the performance of the functions of his or her office or for any act done in the performance of those functions and no proceedings, whether criminal or civil, shall be instituted against him or her in his or her personal capacity in respect thereof either during his or her term of office or thereafter.”


Presidential Immunity in the Burnham 1980 illegal Constitution.
