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Reply to "Jagdeo not credible to talk about the “Green Opportunity""

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by KishanB:
Originally Posted by Brian Teekah:

Dear Editor,
It is obvious that private citizen DR. BHARAT JAGDEO does not want Guyanese to be oblivious or not to know what is happening in the rest of the world because in his words, they will miss out on this “GREEN OPPORTUNITY.”  DR. BHARAT JAGDEO wants Guyanese to support him and his PPP cabal on the Amaila Falls Hydro project which he claims is the biggest Green Opportunity for Guyana. But one thing the DR. should know is that the people do not trust him or believe him because how can he call himself the “champion of the earth” but allow Georgetown, once dubbed the Garden City to become the garbage city.
We fully agree with the principle that Guyana desperately needs non-fossil fuel renewable energy sources but not because the country is desperate to have hydro power it should do anything or pay any price to have it and give up on the principle of accountability and transparency.
Similarly, not because a family is desperate for a child they will go and steal the neighbor’s child.  It is not that hydro power is not good for Guyana but more importantly, the people should know how it is acquired and implemented, who to implement it and at what cost to the taxpayers. These are all fair questions which the Jagdeo/Ramotar cabal had refused to answer before Sithe Global pulled out of the deal.
One thing is certain and that is such a huge project cannot be entrusted to the Jagdeo/Ramotar regime to execute because they are shrouded in secrecy in terms of administering contracts. Also they cannot be trusted because of their failure with the Skeldon Sugar factory, the Specialty Hospital and the Marriott Hotel which the PPP is yet to tell the people who the private investor is.
We want to remind the people, especially the supporters of the PPP, that the Jagdeo/Ramotar regime was entrusted with G$45 billion of the taxpayer’s money to build the Skeldon Sugar factory and what did they do?
They spent all the money in a most unaccountable and non-transparent manner and provided the nation with a Chinese-built Skeldon Sugar factory that is performing worse than the retired 60 year old factory inherited from Bookers?
So Dr. Bharat Jagdeo can talk all he wants but he has no credibility left and cannot be trusted and therefore should not be allowed to spend another dime of the taxpayers’ money on any project.
Furthermore, he has earned the reputation of having poor financial judgment and is highly incompetent in the execution of capital projects which too often have ended up with the contractor leaving with hundreds of millions of dollars of the taxpayers’ money with little or no legal recourse.
Fip Motilall ran away with G$600 million; Surendra Engineering with G$800 million and the Chinese Company that built Skeldon Sugar Factory with G$550 million in unfinished remedial works within the contract liability period.  And we can go on and on.
We believe that DR. BHARAT JAGDEO should continue to sell his snake oil but only to the petit bourgeoisie in the Private Sector.
They would be more willing to FALL IN LINE FOR Dr. JAGDEO hatched scheme.
Asquith Rose and Harish Singh. 

This is a serious letter, I think Jagdeo will sue Rose and Singh since they knock him off his rockers.

Like you enjoy clapping with/for yourself.  Seems only you clapping bai.

So Baseman, by responding laughably with sarcasm you're really saying the following:

  1. The Jagdeo government spent wisely on the Amelia Falls hydro project.
  2. The Jagdeo government spent wisely on the Skeldon Sugar factory.
  3. The Ramotar government is very transparent on the Marriot Hotel investments.
  4. The Jagdeo/Ramotar Administrations' handling of finances for the City of Georgetown is laudable.

Respond in the affirmative Baseman as I'm saying to you in clear terms that your beliefs astound reality.
