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Reply to "Jagdeo on opposition racism, AFC plagiarism of PPP manifesto and NDS etc"

It is just like the PPP to make blanket claims that people stole from them and never citing one instance. Saying in broad terms it came from various papers is pure crap. Let them isolate a proposal say how they know it was stolen and quit the nonsensical accusations.

The AFC Plan is sufficiently revolutionary ( constitutional reform to abolish the rise of an oligarchy, the direct cooperation with international police organizations to surprise our rise as a narco state etc).

Where in there plan is a reform of the system so there is accountability and there can be no rise to Pradovilles at the discretion of the state? Why do we still have an almost 5 to 8 year backlog in our courts? We are going into another election and a case affecting the outcome of the last has not had a hearing!

This corrupt, anti democratic, retrogressive, and racist regime has to be stopped. No one want to steal from thieves or people who think the state is their cash cow.

BTW, When will that amoral man address his lying to us that he had a wife and when will he disclose what happened to the lottery money and where is the Amerind royalty reserves?