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Reply to "Jagdeo on opposition racism, AFC plagiarism of PPP manifesto and NDS etc"

Originally posted by baseman:
You need to exit that bankrupt APNU camp, shed some of your anti-indo views and come over to the AFC camp.

Sorry was never in APNU and if protesting against Indo racism and hypocrisy makes me anti Indo cant help you.

I will not stand by when Indos operate with double standards towards blacks. If the PNC was racist in its day so is the PPP. If it was fine for Indians to protest against racism directed against them then it is fine for blacks to do so today. If Indians behave in an ethnically exclusive manner (which you do) then others should tell them about it and how it impacts how others view tham.

The AFc is not entitled to anything. Certainly not when criticism directed towards them is met with the same arrogance that we have come to expect of the PPP and the PNC.

Maybe Janet set the standard. ANy who dont blindly follow are denounced as dangerous traitors. Burnham followed, then Jagdeo and now apparently the AFC. Its a pity when criticisms are met with attempts to character assassinate. This is NOT how you win friends.

I will give GR credit...he is always gracious even when he disagrees with people. Learn from him.