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Reply to "JAGDEO problems..."

“Government is very much interested in determining the source of Jagdeo’s wealth among others whose salaries do not seem to match the fortunes they have acquired over the years…” Dr. Thomas


Guyana’s anti corruption commission otherwise known as the State Assets Recovery Unit (SARU) has no interest in waiting on the Opposition Leader, Bharrat Jagdeo to disclose to the nation, the source of his assets on his own terms. Multiple agencies have already begun to investigate the wealth of the former president and the disposal of assets during his 12 year reign.


Multiple agencies begin probe into source of Jagdeo’s wealth

October 5, 2015 | By | Filed Under News

Until such time that the government passes legislation that the current and former Presidents, MP, and designated government officials are to declare their assets, there is no reason to pursue selected individuals based on perceptions.
