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Reply to "Jagdeo to Head Hational Economic Council to write Mr Ramotar's Manifesto"

Originally Posted by KishanB:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

When Dr Dr Bharrat Jagdeo was president he created special positions for his favourites. He created the position of special advisor for Donald Ramotar his handpicked presidential candidate. The purpose was two-fold: to give Ramotar presidential training or internship of sorts, and to provide state funds to the PPP in the form of Donald's OP salary.

Today, Ramotar is reciprocating by creating a special position for his benefactor Jagdeo. The pro bono part is to deflect further criticism of Jagdeo's vulgar $3million/month pension plus benefits.

wanna bet you this job comes with another million dollar per month salary for Jagdeo.

De Travel expenses alone will be more than one million dollar....Jagdeo gon be flying all over the Place....with nuff police and GDF Detail fuh protect him from them Amerindian who waiting fuh slap he.


I wonder if them gon use the Ole Helicopter he  and Brassington Buy from de Junk yard....Hope it don't drop out the sky because the pilot dem might dead.
