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Reply to "Jalil Banning by Ray - more personal than you think"

Why are you getting personal.
And for a piece of low life like Alim
Originally Posted by Kari:



Man up and say that the Jalil banning has nothing to do with his supposed derailment of people's threads with pictures and videos and lots of Kwame stuff (because there are lots of the same sh1t going on that you have not bothered to focus on) as Shaits argues.


Your banning of Jalil has to do with his exposing your old man (fatman Mohamed) as a KSI enforcer who manipulated the food lines back in the days and squeezed Indians.


Fess up banna.


I wanted to start a petition to either get yuh rass offf the admin wuk, though I know it puts Amral imn a tough spot, or ask all the decent-minded folks here to leave this Board whose laudable aims and ambitions you're tearing t shreds with your stupid banning.


Again I call on the better instincts (of freedom) from Shaitaan to command you to let Jalil post NOW.




Vish M