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Reply to "Joey Jagan wants real change"

Joey hoping the PPP get their senses. But that corrupt entity is too far gone.


I wonder if Joey ever stood at attention for the Guyana National Anthem or even saluted the Guyana Flag. Those two articles are what forges the bond of citizens. I doan think PPP supporters care much for such things.


He is asking the people consider many conditions before they vote-PPP supporters only consider one condition-DO NOT LET THE BLACKMAN to govern. That in itself stifles growth for every one.


I am bewildered by the likes of Moses, Ralph, Joey and others who sees the fault of the PPP at election time. I guess they were too busy wid the good life to bother about Guyana and impoverished future.


Advice for Joey Jagan. Go and get Indians to vote for APNU+AFC. Hoping the PPP loose so bad. And the thieves abandon Freedom House. That way, I could return and re-build the party. Because if the Jagans tek it over, it will be no different than Bharrat Jagdeo. 
