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Reply to "Just when I started to like APNU/AFC"

Originally Posted by alena06:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

Ok folks


I just stopped supporting the PPP because of a lack of leadership, transparency and credible politicians at the top.


Now with Bhai Mitwah declaring that Granger is a dictator in the making, worries me a lot.


If this is a serious concern and with King Maker Moses being quite lately, should the executive of the AFC not step up and express it's concerns ?


Please chime in and let us have a civil discussion. 

I hate to say but Alena is always right. There is no such thing as AFC Executive. 


I, however, do not hate to say this but our Resident Queensboro Community College grad is never right about anything.


Your emotion-laden fish market comments that you think pass for astute and insightful analysis is never right.


You do not understand anything about politics and government. Not even in an amateur fashion. You belong on social. Your entire political acculturation begins and ends at "whah dem bais at Freedom House seh."


In case you haven't figured it out yet, the intelligent posters laugh at you. And I personally find you embarrassing as an Indian because you reinforce the narrative that Indians are mentally behind Blacks. You are the type that the PPP needs to get rid of and stop attracting. The PPP only seems to attract our duncest.

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