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Reply to "Just when I started to like APNU/AFC"

This is a very complex issue that requires some expert and artful balancing of the following:


1. Guyana is in such disarray that it needs strong almost dictatorial leadership.


2. The PNC is not a modern liberal democratic party. They are a party borne of tyranny whose political culture leaves a lot to be desired.


3. The PPP needs to be kept out of power at ALMOST all costs.


4. The AFC Mosaic Cult is worrisome. I suspect people like Aleem Ally and Sasenarine Singh with their thinly veiled false sense of racial superiority helped trigger the neutering of Moses. AFC Moses needs to be held with tight strings so as to limit the potential for "bad behavior." This necessitates the undermining of the Cummingsburg Accord with the tacit agreement of the AFC Black Faction.


Let us decline the intellectually lazy invitation to search out the goodies and the baddies and deal with the situation as it is. No virgins in Guyana. Just a lot of sluts. Some dirtier than others depending on the time of day.
