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Keep on with music studies - PM urges music students

Keep on with music studies - PM urges music students

Written by  , Published in News, Georgetown, GINA, December 15, 2014, Source - GINA


Prime Minister Samuel Hinds on Sunday urged music students to continue applying themselves to their work in order to achieve significant levels of competence. He made this statement when he was delivering the charge to the students at the Clemsville Music Conservatory’s tenth annual recital at the Theatre Guild.


Prime Minister Samuel Hinds addressing the students of Clemsville Music Conservatory as he delivers the charge to them

Prime Minister Samuel Hinds addressing the students of Clemsville Music Conservatory as he delivers the charge to them


The Prime Minister told the students that whilst it takes 10,000 hours of application to achieve a good level of competence, this means three hours daily practice for 10 years. He then issued the charge: “I urge you to keep on going for quite a while, five years maybe 10 years, and see what level you can attain. We are few in Guyana, short of one million and we need everyone to be the best they can be. I urge you students to keep on with your music studies and so ensure that you are Guyanese to be proud of in years to come.”


Students of the Clemsville Music Conservatory who performed at the tenth annual recital at the Theatre Guild on Sunday


The recital consisted of performances on the piano, violin and recorder, all Christmas renditions which were highly appreciated by the audience. The Prime Minister in referring to this noted that whilst music is one of mankind’s greatest achievements and its appreciation comes readily and easily, “it takes training and practice to achieve the level of competence to play it for others.”


The top student of the Clemsville Music Conservatory Gael Barker proudly displays his trophy


In the past, before and after independence, Guyanese have made their reputations in the performing arts and today Clemsville Music Conservatory is now paving the way for the young ones. The Clemsville tenth annual recital also saw the institution celebrating its anniversary with the presentation of tokens and trophies to members of the Conservatory and other deserving persons.


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