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Reply to "Kiddie silent and CaribJ not prosecuting AFC"

Originally posted by Kari:
Indeed the AFC peeled away at the racial voting patterns and that is where we are all hopeful for a new beginning. I had said before that this is a watershed election the moment Moses tested the dominance of the PPP in traditional Indian constituency, and the AFC provided that opportunity for him.

If the role of the AFC is to be a spoiler party, splitting ethnic votes when people are angry at their traditional party then they have done well.

BUT if their hope is to become a major player, not hugging on the skirt tails of one or both larger parties then they have a ways to go. Last time they split the black/mixed vote. almost allowing teh PPP to get Region 4. This time evidence is they lost much of that but picked up Indian votes, esp in region 6.

Next time........????

And now that Moses has exacted his revenge and shaken up the Jagdeo faction what next? Will he go back to the PPP, or build the AFC?