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Reply to "Kiddie silent and CaribJ not prosecuting AFC"

Originally posted by Nehru:
I never cared for a Majority Govt. Absolute POWER CORRUPT ABSOLUTELY. WE can debate the Moses factor over a Quarter Bakkle Smirnoff.
Originally posted by Kari:
CaribJ and Nehru (now that's a first in addressing you two in the same breadth), the AFC is a 2nd election cycle Party. Given Guyana's past no one expects the PPP percentage to slip by more than 6 to 8 %.

so 2 things - Moses did not do anything for revenge; and secondly, the AFC wanted to chip away from the PPP stronghold once they got Moses on board.

The AFC is not playing spoiler party because it's their M.O. They did what was strategically necessary to bring the PPP/C under 50%. They succeeded so give 'em credit. Next time is the 3rd cycle and they should be a little more mature and legacy voting patterns are being peeled away. The AFC may yet enjoy the fruits of their own success this time around - not being spoiler but peeling away the race pattern. Celebrate that!
You are a sick puppy and a bigger flip flopper than Romney. Now that you cannot be assured of a place on the soup line you will be against corruption.!!!